Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Special Episode: Otakuthon 2011

Otakuthon is Montreal's convention for fans of all things related to anime, manga, and similar fun stuff. It is held every August and they recently completed their 6th annual convention, with as many as 10,000 people attending.Otakuthon features a huge exhibitor's hall, panel discussions, games, music, a dance, a masquerade, and of course, screenings.

We went to Otakuthon and we interviewed participants, exhibitors, and organizers.

Interviewed in this episode

  • One of many participants who offers free hugs to fellow Otakuthon attendees; just one of the many things that make the experience unique and friendly.

  • Eric Allard, creator of the Herobot webcomic, which has recently had its first chapter published in print. A more extensive interview with Allard is available in our French podcast, Royale With Cheese.

  • Dawn, a representative of Costumecon 32, to be held in Toronto in late April or early May of 2014 (the official date is TBA). This is an annual convention that moves from city to city, similar to Worldcon, and which is all about costuming.

  • Amanda Arrizza, chair of Otakuthon.

Bumpers in this episode

  • The Gaming Genius Awards: A new awards recognizing excellence in game design, game publishing, game creation, and game enjoyment and covering all aspects of the hobby games industry. The Gaming Genius Awards is an effort of the Gamer's Guild, under sponsorship of Polymancer Studios, Inc..

  • Where you can find many other great game podcasts like this one.

  • All Games Considered: A great podcast about tabletop roleplaying games and similar hobbies.

Other links

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Gaming Genius Awards podcast spot (Spanish)

Las nominaciones están abiertas para los premios de juegos genio (, que reconoce la excelencia en el diseño de juegos, juegos publicados, la creación de juegos inspirado, y todo lo relativo a los juegos. Editores, diseñadores, otros profesionales creativos y fanáticos de los juegos están invitados a contactarnos.

Gaming Genius Awards podcast spot (English)

Nominations are open for the Gaming Genius Awards (, recognizing excellence in game design, game publishing, game creation, and everything game-related. Publishers, designers, other creative professionals, and fans of the hobby game industry are invited to contact us.